The world of celebrity relationships is never short of drama, but when it involves Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Hailey Baldwin, things get a whole lot more intense. For years, fans have been divided into Team Selena and Team Hailey, with each side fiercely defending their chosen star. However, recent events have fueled the fire even more, with many claiming to have undeniable proof that Justin Bieber’s family loves Selena more than Hailey.

It all started with an innocent Instagram post. On a lazy Sunday, Justin’s mother, Pattie Mallette, shared a throwback photo of herself with Selena Gomez. The caption read, “Missing these moments.

So grateful for the memories made with such a beautiful soul.” Fans were quick to notice that not only was this a direct reference to Selena, but it was also posted on the same day Hailey shared a romantic photo with Justin. The timing was impeccable, almost too perfect to be a coincidence.

But that’s not all. Justin’s grandmother, Kathy Bieber, has also been quite vocal about her fondness for Selena. In a recent interview, when asked about Justin’s past relationships, Kathy couldn’t help but praise Selena.

“She’s a lovely girl, always so kind and down-to-earth. We all adored her,” she said, with a wistful smile. The interviewer, sensing the potential for controversy, prodded further, asking about Hailey. Kathy’s response was polite but noticeably less enthusiastic: “Hailey is sweet, too. She makes Justin happy.”

These small but significant details have not gone unnoticed by the public. Social media exploded with fans analyzing every word and gesture from the Bieber family. Some even went as far as to compile clips of Justin’s family interacting with Selena versus Hailey. The difference in warmth and affection is, according to many, “undeniable proof” of the family’s preference.

The tension reached a boiling point when Selena herself commented on the situation. During a recent interview promoting her latest project, she was asked about the ongoing drama. “I think it’s important to respect people’s choices and relationships.

I’m just focused on my work and my happiness,” Selena said, gracefully dodging the question. However, her silence spoke volumes to her fans, who believe that she’s choosing not to engage out of respect for Justin and his current relationship.

On the other side of the fence, Hailey Baldwin has remained relatively silent on the matter. She’s continued to post loving photos of herself and Justin, seemingly unbothered by the swirling rumors.

However, sources close to the model claim that the constant comparisons to Selena have taken a toll on her. “It’s hard for Hailey because she feels like she’s living in Selena’s shadow. No matter what she does, people always bring up the past,” a friend of Hailey’s reportedly shared.

The drama doesn’t seem to be dying down anytime soon. As long as Justin Bieber remains in the spotlight, so too will the comparisons between his past and present loves.

Whether or not his family truly prefers Selena over Hailey, one thing is clear: the public’s fascination with this love triangle is far from over.

In the end, does it really matter who Justin’s family prefers? Relationships are complicated, and it’s ultimately up to Justin to decide who makes him happy. But for fans and followers of this never-ending saga, every like, comment, and post is another piece of the puzzle in this ongoing drama.