Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer who needs no introduction. His importance and relevance in music is indisputable, he has even been compared to Michael Jackson, since both began their careers at a very young age and had numerous successes. However, the Justin Bieber we see today is very distant from that happy and smiling teenager of the early 2010s. The decline in his emotional health is evident, and after so many humiliations and hatred that we have sent him as a society, we are ready to understand him, empathize with him and even admire him for how strong he has been in the face of all the pain he has had to go through.

Hollywood controversy again: disturbing videos of Justin Bieber and Diddy come to light

This month, rapper and powerful music producer Sean Combs, better known as Diddy, is under serious investigation for very strong accusations of sex crimes. The internet has recalled the suspicious relationship that has existed between this rapper and Justin Bieber, especially in his adolescence, the years in which Justin was most vulnerable. Diddy is being considered one of the great responsible for the decline of this artist.

A clip from 2009 has gone super viral. In it, Justin was 15 years old, just before he was famous, and Diddy, 40, shows him his Lamborghini and tells him that he is going to give it to him once he turns 16. In addition, he promises her a mansion when she turns 18. The conversation is unsettling, especially when Diddy says they’re going to spend 48 hours together, that he can’t say what they’re going to do, but that it’s any teenager’s dream.

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To understand what has happened to Justin on a deeper level, it is necessary to know the environment in which he was born. An unstable family environment both emotionally and financially. His parents were very young when they had him, 18, and the father, Jeremy Bieber, practically left his mother, Pattie Mallette, alone to raise him as a single mother. Pattie raised her son with the help of his parents, Justin’s grandparents, but she says there were times when she didn’t even know what money she was going to feed him with.

When Justin was born on March 1, 1994, Pattie was deeply immersed in Christianity, as it was the only thing that had given her life meaning. As she tells in the book she published in 2012, “Nowhere but Up”, she had a super difficult childhood. She says that she suffered abuse from the age of 3 by men close to her and that this continued until she was 14 years old. This abuse was so repeated in her life that it even reached a point where she saw it as normal.

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Despite everything, Pattie had a dream: to become an actress and singer. From the age of 9 she went to talent contests with plays and was the girl at school who was always dancing, acting and participating in this type of event. However, her parents broke her heart when they told her that they could not be taking her on weekends to Toronto, which was an hour and a half from where they lived, to take advantage of what she considered the opportunity of a lifetime: to work for a talent agency that had finally accepted her. So since this was not possible, he became deeply depressed. At the age of 14 he began to consume all kinds of substances, to steal from stores. At 15 she met Jeremy, Justin’s father, and they began a courtship, but it was a very toxic relationship. They cut and came back. At 17, he considered that his life no longer had meaning and decided to go out of his way, to end everything. She was unsuccessful and that was when she discovered religion, regained the will to live and soon after became a mother.

Justin’s father also has a very troubled past. He was accused of violence against women on several occasions and in fact, in 1997, when Justin was 3 years old, he spent 3 months in jail for this very reason. As Justin grew older, he became interested in musical instruments and music in general. His mother gave him different instruments such as trumpet, drums, guitar, piano and from the age of 4 he began to practice with them. Soon after, he played the streets of his city to earn tips and help with expenses. Her mother began taking videos of her and uploading them to YouTube in 2007 and, as she covered popular songs, they began to have views.

Diddy publicly warned, forbidding Justin Bieber from revealing what they did in 48 hours together

Scooter Braun, a young music industry entrepreneur in the 2000s with high aspirations to produce and develop stars, came across Justin’s videos on YouTube by accident while searching for another artist’s videos. From the moment he saw him, he felt the feeling that in front of him he had what he was looking for: a child prodigy who could be famous and get rich. So he did detective to find Justin’s family, and once he did, he traveled to Canada to convince his mother to let him take Justin to Atlanta, Georgia, and produce a record for him.

Although Pattie did want to give her son this opportunity, she was not very convinced that Scooter Braun was the right producer, since he is Jewish and she asked God to send her a Christian producer. However, the church convinced her to trust him and she ended up agreeing. I think that was enough to give him complete confidence because, from then on, Justin became easy prey for people in the industry.

Of course, I think that the negligence of the mother and not to mention that of the father have a lot of responsibility for everything that happened to Justin. And without wanting to justify it, I think that also one of the reasons why she was so neglected with Justin is that she wanted to fix, in quotes, what her parents did not give her: the opportunity to become a star. And that’s why I think he didn’t put any obstacles in the way of Justin when he had to travel and meet strangers for reasons of his career. That’s my theory, but it may also be that he didn’t care and just wanted his son to be a star at any cost.

Justin Bieber deeply 'disturbed' by Sean 'Diddy' Combs' arrest as old videos surface; He regrets… - Hindustan Times

Then, at 13 years old, Justin traveled with Scooter Braun to Atlanta. Eventually, both he and his mother moved permanently to live there. Within a week of Justin arriving in Atlanta, he met Usher, who was already a famous singer. Usher was impressed with this boy’s talent and charisma and, from there, became his mentor. He took him under his wing to guide him in releasing his first album.

Someone who also had a lot of experience was Diddy, the rapper I was telling you about at the beginning, and he decided to send Justin to Los Angeles to present a song he had written in October 2009. And, of course, it was when the video of the 48 hours happened that we remember that at that time Justin was nobody, he came from singing in the streets and poverty. So that’s why I think the story of Lamborghini and the mansion is even stronger.

So, it is suspected, because it is not confirmed, that from there was the beginning of the abuses that Diddy did against Justin Bieber, which lasted for many years. And today the internet is also blaming Usher for having collaborated with this because he knew that he was sending this teenager to the wolf’s den. Because apparently Usher himself was a victim of Diddy, since when he was 14 years old, his parents, I don’t know if also because of the ambition to make him famous, put Diddy, who was already a music producer, as their son’s legal guardian. This happened in the 90s and for this reason, because Diddy was going to help him produce his first album, Usher, 14 years old, as I called them, lived in Diddy’s house for a year when Diddy was 24. And in interviews, Usher has referred to that year as a very wild experience, that he got to see things in that house that even he didn’t understand at the time. He even calls it the “puffy flavor camp” and says that now that he’s a dad, of course he wouldn’t send his kids to it.

Toàn cảnh vụ án P. Diddy chấn động nước Mỹ: Leonardo DiCaprio và Justin Bieber có liên quan? - Tuổi Trẻ Online

Diddy wasn’t the only creepy producer Justin was introduced to by Usher, but so was this other, L.A. Reid, who proudly boasts in his book “Sing to Me” of having been instrumental in Justin Bieber’s release. And she says that when Usher introduced him to her, he immediately thought, “This guy is beautiful as a woman can be beautiful and men rarely are.” And he proved it as soon as he entered the room. I find it very disturbing the way he says it, but going back to Justin’s career, shortly after that meeting with Diddy, in November 2009, was when he released his first album “My World”. He did it with the Raymond Braun Media label, created jointly by Usher and Scooter Braun exclusively for Justin Bieber, since they were very sure that he would succeed. I imagine that they didn’t share the profits from the release of the album with other labels and, of course, that they were not wrong. The singles “One Time” and “One Less Lonely Girl” were all over the place and Justin became this teen idol.

It’s very interesting how Justin went from being a complete stranger to a superstar. His fame went from zero to 100 in a matter of months and while I think this can be a very good thing for a 15-year-old boy, it can be a very difficult thing to stop. With fans from all over the world who adopted the name “beliebers”, invited to television programs, concerts, etcetera, etcetera, that even he said that it caused him claustrophobia to think of all those fans who were chasing him.

And with all this success, there’s also a video that I think is a super red flag of Diddy, who we remember was over 40 years old at the time, complaining to Justin about why he’s changed so much now that he’s filling stadiums, because he doesn’t look for him anymore and spends time with him like he used to. This is media harassment.

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In addition to this, unfortunately in those years it was not socially reprobated for adult women to make inappropriate acts or comments to male boys. That is, because they were women and men were men, as if nothing happened. And a year ago, compilations of videos went viral on TikTok showing how horrible he was treated by some women. Like Katy Perry, this happened in 2012. Another woman, actress Jenny McCarthy, 40 at the time, and Justin, 18, who I believe should be brought to the attention of the authorities for her behavior that night. This other woman asking Justin inappropriate questions and also wanting to touch his face despite the fact that he tells her multiple times no. And not only women, but even men like James Corden in this interview.

He says: “Come closer to me again, how good you smell, how old you are.” Poor Justin looks very uncomfortable. And that wasn’t all yet. He compliments her for her pretty eyes and touches her face. I think this is another one that should be investigated. And I don’t know which one is worse because this other man, David Letterman, touches it in a very suspicious way and you see how he then fixes his pants. And just like this there are many other moments. I’m just showing you a few and the worst of all is that he said many times “I don’t feel uncomfortable” and everyone took it as funny. So imagine if these things happened in broad daylight with live cameras, microphones and everything, what could have happened in private.

After his success, a generalized hatred of Justin Bieber was created both on the internet and in the media that was considered cool, in quotes, making fun of him, calling him a little girl, bullying her and other insults. It is worth mentioning that Justin also had many immature and irresponsible behaviors that provoked this hatred. Like singing one of his songs, “One Less Lonely Girl,” with highly racist words against black people. Also when Prince died and they called him the last great living singer in history, he said that was a lie, as if he wanted to also attribute that title or something like that. He was accused of animal abuse when the German authorities confiscated a monkey that he had because he could not prove that he actually gave it the necessary care. In a restaurant in New York, he urinated in the mopping bucket and so many stories of that style of very bad behavior on his part.

And unfortunately, as happened with so many other stars who began fame from a very early age in those years of the 2000-2010s, we only saw that: their erratic behavior, the things they did wrong and we did not think as a society about all those situations of abandonment, pain, abuse, exploitation that had been or were being victims. It just boiled down to humiliating them, denigrating them, and mocking them. What was evident is that Justin was a teenager growing up in the public eye, no parental guidance. The one who served more like his father for interviews at that time was Scooter Braun.

Right after this was when Justin started with his addictions and it is also suspected that Diddy had a lot to do with this because he is famous, supposedly, for introducing other artists to alcohol and substances. And in this video you can see how he gives her a bottle and they celebrate her erratic attitude.

Tình trạng của Justin Bieber sau khi Diddy bị bắt khiến fan hoảng sợ, bố vợ

Speaking of parties, one of the worst clips I found for this research is this one. I can’t tell you with my mouth what Justin seems to be doing to Diddy. Judge for yourself, but you don’t see that Justin is in his senses and Diddy, as soon as he sees that he is being recorded, quickly turns him around. Another weird video with Diddy is this one where they both greet each other and he starts to check her clothes to see if she doesn’t have a microphone, a cable, like that to accuse him if it’s true. I think this man felt that he could be caught at any time.

Unfortunately, Justin got into more and more trouble, driving under the influence on several occasions that he was even arrested. Many people turned their backs on him and even a petition was made here in the United States signed by more than 70,000 people asking for him to be deported. And this is where a very interesting dichotomy arises because, on the one hand, there were all these controversies, but on the other, the musical hits did not stop coming. And at this stage was when she released the songs of “Sorry”, “What Do You Mean”, “Love Yourself” and the saddest thing is that apparently in the moments when her mother needed her the most, they distanced themselves. At the beginning of Justin’s fame, they were very close. There were even some awards in 2012 in which he took her as his date and when he received her recognitions he took her on stage and told her this: “You are beautiful. It’s hard for me to grow up with everything that’s happening to me and everyone watching me, but I always want to make you feel proud.” But she, after these behaviors, went to live in Hawaii, imagine, on a distant island when her son needed her most. And it wasn’t just her fault, but Justin himself decided to walk away. He said in a 2015 interview with Billboard: “I distanced myself because I was embarrassed. I never wanted my mom to be disappointed in me and I knew she was.” I swear it makes me want to cry. I find his mother’s part very sad.

And during this complicated stage of Justin, who did enter the scene was his father. I am very tender about this tweet from 2009 by Justin. In other words, what would be their first concerts. This one where Justin sends a tweet to the man inviting him to his concert. Having received rejection from a father as Justin received is one of the most painful things that can happen to a son and I think that with this he wanted to impress him, he wanted to tell him: “Dad, see if I am worth it and it does not seem reliable to me that a man who abandoned his baby son now that he is rich and famous does look for him, he does care and if he wants to be a father.” But in fact, the general perception is that Jeremy wasn’t a good influence on Justin. Apparently, the lord celebrated all these erratic attitudes of parties, women, substances and served more as a friend of the parties than a father who set limits, guided him and took care of him. Of course, Justin has financially supported him and his partners and his half-siblings.

Justin fell so low and this video is not to say that what he did was right. Even Justin himself knows that it was wrong. He said in 2019, “I abused in all my relationships. I became resentful and respectful of women, hiding behind the shell of the person I had become.” His unstable relationship with Selena Gomez that lasted for many years was destructive for both of them. Unfortunately, Selena also had a childhood and has had a very difficult life. So even though I think they loved each other very much, it was one of those teenage loves that despite being so intense they can’t work.

The new Justin and just as his mother saw Christianity as a way to find meaning and value in her life, so did Justin. How interesting that history repeated itself. Justin decided to be baptized, attend church and I am not going to go into details of his love life because this video is not so much about that, but it should be mentioned that when he approached religion his relationship with his wife, Hailey Bieber, also blossomed. They married very quickly and it is evident that their marriage has not been easy at all. And I think Justin saw marriage as also a salvation, like having a person who would support him. And in my opinion, I think the ideal is when one can heal and arrive healthy in a relationship, as if not so much baggage, so to speak. But there are also other marriages in which the couple is willing to support the healing process. And apparently that’s what Hailey has done. And for this very reason, since he did not heal his past before getting married, this has contributed to him not being the ideal husband. There are a lot of clips here on the internet where he yells at her or seems not to value her, but the reality is that we can’t judge the marriage that has been going on for more than 5 years by clips of a few seconds here and there.

Hailey is attacked a lot unfortunately that Justin is super unhappy with her, that he had never looked so sad, so miserable, that he never smiles, that she sought him out of obsession, out of interest and I don’t know how much. And while I don’t know, of course, the details of their relationship, I’d like to believe that in this marriage he’s focusing on healing and that’s why he looks so sad, but not necessarily because he’s not happy with her. In fact, I believe that she is one of the great pillars of both his physical and mental health because he was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. In fact, I myself made a video a year ago between the relationship between Justin and Hailey and Selena that is very interesting, but something that I no longer agree with what I said in that video and so that you can see that youtubers can change their minds and of course there are many times when we make mistakes is what I said about their marriage. Now, after understanding Justin more deeply, I think that there really is sincere love between them or at least that’s what I’d like to think.

Married to Hailey, Justin has composed some of his most personal and healing songs such as “Lonely”, where he talks about fame and feeling so alone. It is a song that does not talk about his present, but his pain from the past when growing up with so much fame and money. And one of the strongest parts of this video, as if the above had not already been enough, is the interview he gave in 2020 to Saint Laurent, where to begin with he looks super sad with his eyes always down, his arms crossed, he never smiles and tells crying that he wants to protect Billie Eilish so that what happened to him does not happen to her, that he does not wish it on anyone. Watching this interview I can’t help but remember the interview that Roberto Martinez did with Drake Bell last year, before he revealed what had happened to him on Nickelodeon, and it’s very similar to the pain that there is, how they don’t want to say things, as if they were holding back, the sad look in their eyes always looking down. I hope that Justin can find the strength to overcome it if what is suspected is true.

Justin BieBer vẫn dành sự tôn trọng cho Sean 'Diddy' Combs?

Two years after that interview, in 2022, it was when he canceled the last concerts of his tour and it is very delicate when an artist cancels his tours because it is where they make the most money and if they cancel them is also where they lose the most because of all the lawsuits that are coming. But he prioritized his physical and mental health and I think he’s very respectable.

Before we wrap up, and I think it’s important to include it as well, there’s also another part that confuses fans or people who might believe that Justin suffered at the hands of Diddy because they still have a close relationship. Last September, Diddy released an album where Justin collaborated with him on the song called “Moments” and they also had a call on an Instagram live where Justin says how much he admires and respects him. “Shout to you and Kelly, um, and just your whole family and absolutely I’m so honored I’m so honored to be on this call you know I respect you so much I always have always will um what you’ve done for this planet um who you are and what you do for your family is something to be commendable um and people um look up to you all around the world so I just want to say thank you for your encouragement to me um obviously”. There are people who say that Justin is speaking in sarcasm because for the bad reputation that Diddy has, he kind of praised him too much. Like what you’ve done for the planet and everyone admires you and that sounds very exaggerated, really. And it is believed that Diddy is blackmailing him and making him say and do things that he really does not want. There are also people who think that Justin developed an attachment to this person who hurt him so much from such an early age and that is why he agrees to do this kind of thing. Or it may also be that this is simply an internet theory. So the truth will only be known if Justin at some point decides to speak, that he has no obligation, but I think today is the ideal time when all the evidence is being gathered to put this man in jail.

In addition, I think that fortunately in recent years with Drake’s revelations of what happened to him on Nickelodeon, Mari Boquitas’ podcast, Britney Spears’ book, as a society we are more ready to believe and support the victims, empathize with them, wish them well and condemn the abusers.

I would love to go to a Justin Bieber concert. Although I don’t consider myself a “belieber”, I do love it as a singer. I would also very much like to see him at some Super Bowl halftime or, at least, that he continues to release music even if he doesn’t do massive concerts, but I think that will be decided by him and not because of the pleasure of others, but that he would really like to return to the stage. I hope so, and if not, then I hope I’m happy.

Many thanks to Shark for sponsoring this video. Also thank you to the members. I leave you the information below if you would like to support the channel in that way, but any way you want or can support this channel counts and counts a lot. And see you very soon in the next one. Goodbye.